Monday, 10 February 2014


Live through this day one step at a time and not set far-reaching goals to try to overcome all your problems at once. 

Today, stay happy! Abraham Lincoln said, "Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be" and he was right. Dwell not on thoughts that depress you, chase them out of your mind and replace them with happy ones.

Even if it's just for today, adjust yourself to what is. Face reality, correct those things that you can correct and accept those you cannot.

Improve your mind, do not be a mental loafer. Force yourself to read something that requires effort, thought, and concentration.

Do something positive to improve your health. Make an honest effort to do the right things by your health. If overweight, eat nothing you know to be fattening and make yourself exercise ~ even if it's only walking around the neighbourhood or using the stairs. 
We know so much more about nutrition  and how much exercise and sensible living can extend one's life and make it more enjoyable; so just for today, take good care of your body so you can celebrate many more happy years.

Make a conscious effort to be agreeable. Look as good as possible, dress becomingly, speak softly, act courteously and do not interrupt when someone else is talking.

Try not to improve anybody except yourself. Have a program. You may not follow it exactly, but it will be a guide will, saving you from two pests that so easily besiege one: hurry and indecision.

Just for today, gather the courage to do what is right, take the responsibility for your actions and bloom.