I love the book of Esther. It's
probably the book of the Bible that I know best and easily relate to. What is so striking
about Esther is that while her life always seems to be falling apart it
is actually all falling together for God's purpose.
Esther's life was never in her control. She became an orphan at a young age. The scripture doesn't tell us the details
but it does say that her mother and father were killed. As her life
continues, Esther the orphan would be no stranger to tragedy. She was
taken in by her cousin Mordecai. He cared for her until she was suddenly
taken from his home by an order that came from the King of Persia,
Xerxes. Events led to Esther being made Queen of
Persia. Shortly after she becomes queen, there is a decree issued from
the king that commands that every Jew in the kingdom would be put to
death. No one knows there is a Jew in the castle. Tragedy strikes again.
Esther's background has been kept a secret but it will soon be
revealed. It is at this time that Esther decides to go before the king,
without being summoned, which is an action that is punishable only by
death. When the King sees her, he raises his scepter and spares her
life. She invites him to a couple of banquets where she reveals her
nationality and requests that her people be spared. The king cannot
reverse the decree but he did issue a new one that allowed the Jews to
protect themselves. Through this act the Jews were preserved and Esther
goes down in biblical history as one of the most courageous women of all
What I want you to see here is that no
matter what tragedy struck Esther, from the death of her parents, to her
removal from Mordecai's home, to facing death at the hand of her own
husband, God's hand was always upon her. No matter how bleak things
looked, God always provided for her. She had to do some hard things. She
walked a difficult road. But because she trusted the Lord, she was used
mightily to spare her people, God's people
I don't know your
journey. I don't know the pain in your path but I do know that God is
faithful. Whether you're facing a small problem or a devastating
tragedy, God is faithful. You may have to face dark days, you may have
to make difficult decisions but know this, God's hand is
upon you and you will only bloom.