Friday, 30 October 2015


No special occasion. Only because we’re together. Sometimes, you just choose to stop and intentionally acknowledge you’re with someone, and bein' together is good.

Today, a mutual acquaintance asked me “what did you see in him?” I could only respond: “Eweka is visionary… I saw a man that’s headin' for somewhere that is clear to him.” I should have said more, but I couldn't. Now that I've taken time to ponder on that question about the man I am in love with, I admit that I do not know every quirk in his personality, but here are a few things to know about him:

Annoyin’ as he could get sometimes, he has a sense of humour that can calm the highest level of rage. Just as he personifies friendship, Osagioduwa and zeal are interchangeable to me; he’s the most zealous person I know. He can have a million brilliant ideas in just one minute and his insight is incredible! He is relentless in the pursuit of his dreams and never settles for less than absolute best. In the same way, he inspires me and others to be better in every way, to dig deeper and shine brighter.

He is the very embodiment of the phrase: “where there is a will, there is a way”. I am yet to meet someone else with a stronger will than this guy. His lips are soft enough to smile and firm enough to say no. His love is so wide, it takes the whole of me and others in. He is big enough to be gentle and brave enough to be thoughtful. He is generous and helpful; Osagioduwa would give you the shirt off his back…literally. I’ve seen him give so much of his time and energy to people, things and worthy causes.

He is a gift that keeps on giving. The two years plus that we’ve been together have been the least inactive, most productive and greatest growth season of my life. He seems to always know what to do or say. And with a drive like his, he is unstoppable and surely runnin’ the race he was born to win.

I know this boy is not perfect, but I know that his heart is given to a perfect God, the same God to whom I've given mine. I wish that somehow Oduwa would read this, but he doesn't even know I'm doin' this. Sometimes a girl just has to brag on her man, right?

So... in conclusion, I ask you, ladies and gentlemen of the jury to declare my Osagioduwa Eweka amazin' because... well, he helps me bloom.

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