Dear God,
You have given us such wonderful lives and there are
so many things that we ought to be grateful for. Sometimes, we do find
ourselves being discontent and we know that this is because we put our hopes
and dreams in things of this world – instead of in you. We ask that you help us
to always have peace about where we are in life. We owe it to you to be satisfied,
because you have given to us sacrificially. Sometimes the world pressures us to
live, think, or behave in a particular way, and when we cannot achieve these
things, discontentment settles in.
There are all these checkboxes in life for every stage. In the beginning, these checkboxes were not all that apparent. But as we grew older, we are more aware of things that we have not done, have no intentions on doing or have yet to achieve.
There are all these checkboxes in life for every stage. In the beginning, these checkboxes were not all that apparent. But as we grew older, we are more aware of things that we have not done, have no intentions on doing or have yet to achieve.
We thank you for being patient with us during the times when
we’ve fallen down the discontentment slope. Thank you for pulling us up time
and again.
As we grow closer to you, and learn more about what is
written in your word, we have discovered the secret to being content is being
thankful in every situation. We know that not all situations will feel great or
comfortable but you have promised that you will bring good out of the bad for
those who love you – so that naturally, that includes your children. Since we
know you love us, there is no reason why we should not trust the plan that you
have for our lives. We know and believe that you have great things in store for
us – and if we don’t get to check a particular box, it means it’s not the time
or you have something better for us or that it isn’t one of your great plans
for us. To be content, we need to trust in your provisions and your will for
our lives.
We’ve also learned that it is important to focus
outwardly, helping others and serving to uplift your kingdom. Not only does
this accomplish the work you need done, it also is a healthy distraction away
from an idle mind that looks for discontentment in the things that have not
gone as we willed them to. Being preoccupied with the interested of others is
what we desire.
Father, we want to be content in the good and the bad, not
moved by circumstances. We want to be content with little or with plenty. We’d like
to be content because we know for certain that you have our backs. And because
we can do all things through Your strength, we can be content. Most of all, we’d
like to be content because we know that trusting fully in you means being
content with where we are right now – today. Help us lord, to be mindful of all
these things. Please, remove any spirit of discontentment that rests within us
so that we can bloom.
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