Tuesday, 5 November 2013


It is something we never seem to have enough of. Something we try to manage down to the last second, just to maximize it. Lately, I am hearing, reading or experiencing things that have caused me to think more about God's timing. His timing is always perfect. He never gets it wrong. All through scripture, you see phrases like, "at the time I have planned" or "when the time is right" and "at just the right time."
A couple of weeks ago, I found myself discouraged with my Bible reading. I was so behind in my reading plan and felt like a failure. I was supposed to be leading a group of children through the Bible and I couldn't even keep up with the reading. Despite being discouraged, I continued reading. I was amazed at how what I was reading, the passages I should have read weeks before, were just the ones I needed, that day - not the day or week before, but that day. It didn't matter what day I read the passage, God still spoke to me. God's timing is faultless. 
I read a post on Facebook recently where someone described a near-miss accident she had experienced. She had been waiting at a stop light. When the light turned green, and it was her turn to go, her car stalled. She could not move. Just at that moment, a semi-truck ran the red light, speeding through the intersection. Had her car not stalled, she would have been hit by the truck. God's timing is without flaw.
There are many stories circulating about people who "should have" been at certain places of terrible occurences, based on their typical schedule  or pace. Why did they slow their pace? Because, it was God's timing, not theirs. His timing is free from error. Everything in our life runs under God's time. But, it is in those odd or surreal experiences where we seem to recognize it the most. Have you ever had any of these types of experiences, which can only be explained by God's pure and best-suited plan? Do you have stories that have been a proof of God’s timing in your life?

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time...He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end. - Ecclesiastes 3:1, 11.

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