Wednesday 16 November 2016


One day everythin’ is perfect, and the next, it's not. Life is funny like that I guess, a constant set of waves ever changin’ and constantly rolling in. Goodness and hardship. Happy then sad. Perfect and imperfect.

It's easy for me to think that I can handle everythin’ that comes my way. That I can squash the doubt and insecurities and keep movin’ forward in the struggle against the waves. But then one big wave comes in and knocks me down to my knees. It's easy when there is nothin’ to worry about. When things are so good, the only thing that worries you is change - the next wave. But I have found recently more than any other time that things cannot always be perfect. Things will not always be our idea of good. Life is sometimes messy and hard. And that's ok. Because when things ain't perfect, and you're tired and you feel like a failure and maybe even a loser, that's when grace shows up. Grace is what a loser needs most. We have got to rest in it.

For now, I will just be thankful. Thankful for this day. Thankful for my life. Thankful for my God. Thankful for my family. Thankful that I have people and things to be thankful for, which is just in a big way another reminder that life isn't always perfect, but that God is real and good and present and working. That is all that I require. I don't need to know more. That is what I will tell my heart every day. That is what I need to bloom.

Tuesday 1 November 2016


Once upon a time a few years ago, I was at Faith Clinic, the prayer meeting service of my church. I came that evening grudgingly - I didn't particularly feel close to God at the time - bad habits, a busy schedule, distractions and sin kept me at a distance from the Lord. The worst part is that I grew comfortable in my lukewarmness and didn't want a reminder that my soul was growin' cold.

I sat through most of the service with my thoughts wanderin' to everythin' but God. I tried to pray. But the words wouldn't come. Even as the people around me clearly experienced the Lord's presence, I sat numb and uncomfortable.

I don't remember what broke me. Maybe it was the preacher who said somethin' that struck a chord in my heart, but on the last prayer of the service, the walls came crumblin' down swiftly and quickly. As I bawled my eyes out and prayed incoherent words, I asked God to lead me... to tell me what He wanted from me.

"Jeremiah 29:11," I heard so audibly, I glanced up to see if someone around me had said it. But everyone was prayin' around me, not sparin' me a glance.

Now, I don't really know verses of the bible by heart, I'd always mix up the references. I may have grown up in the church and read the Bible, but I did not have Scriptures references memorized (let alone venture into the Prophets or the Old Testament often). But as I opened my Bible, tryin' to find where the book of Jeremiah was, because I was so shaken and clumsy in that moment, I read these words and they became the anthem of my heart from then on: "For I know the plans I have for you....". This was a verse I have heard recited every so often. How could I not tell that that was Jeremiah 29:11? Maybe if the voice had just reeled out the sentence, I would not have known that was the place in the bible because I would not have looked through.

I drew comfort, hope and strength from those words. They sustained me through that season and led me to the next. They were with me as I arose every morning and even now.

But those words aren't just for me or Jeremiah. They're for you too. God knows the plans He has for you, and they are good plans. Let Him lead you to where trust is without borders. There will be ups and downs, but I promise you, under His watchful care and guidance, you will flourish and bloom.